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How to Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop?

In this article, I will show you How to Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop where I will combine Multiple images. The Process starts with cutting, selecting and cutting the Sheep from the background. After that, I will show you how to fit the sheep inside the iPhone, where the boring parts of cutting and pasting are done. Remaining up with rest, first I will do color correction over the sheep. Where I will create shadow, cast shadow and more. After that, the very interesting parts begun with overall color corrections, where I will use the adjustments. Such as Color balance, curves which have a crucial rule in color correction settings. And finally, this post is for intermediate personalities with Photoshop.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop

Step 1. Press Ctrl+ O and open iPhone image.

Step 2. Navigate to the File menu and select Place, they place the sheep image. After placing the image, reduce the opacity and place that in the middle of the iPhone.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Placing the image

Step 3. Once the Placing and fitting it has done. Select the ship and cut that form the background. You can use any tool by which you are comfortable to use. I’m using the Quick Selection tool.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Quick Selection

Step 4. When the selection is done. I know some parts are remaining which have not been selected so well. In order to select them perfectly, select refine edge from tool control menu.

Step 5. In Refine Edge window, select its background as blank, and brush around the sheep.


Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Refine Edge Settings


Step 6. When you are done with Refine edge. You need to create a Mask for the selected parts. On the layer, window select Add vector mask.

Step 7. After that Duplicate the Layer by pressing Ctrl+ J. Select the Duplicate layer, select the mask in it and Press Ctrl+ I to invert the Mask. Now you can see the Background and sheep are on a separate layer.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Duplicate the layer

Step 8. Hold Alt key and click on the eye of the Background which is iPhone. This command will hide all the other layers except the selected layer.

Step 9. Select the Pen tool and make a path around the screen of the iPhone.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Create a Path Using Pen Tool

Step 10. Press Ctrl+ Enter to turn the path into a selection. Now select the sheep background layer.

  • First, rasterize the layer by right-clicking and selecting rasterize layer.
  • Select Mask the Mask form the mask menu.
  • With Brush tool selected, bring the legs of the sheep back.
Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Bringing Parts Back

Step 11. Press Ctrl+ Shift + I to invert the selection then Press Ctrl+ Backspace to remove selected parts. If you are having a problem with it, use the brush tool and paint with black color.

Step 12. Around the edges of the screen seems to have a problem. In order to fix that, I will the Content Aware. First one of the edge, and press Shift+ F5 on the keyboard and select Content-Aware. Do the same with other edges.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Fill with Content-Aware

Color Correction of the Sheep

Now have a look at the Final Project without Color Correction.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Final Project without Color Corrections

We need to make changes in order to make it perfect and awesome. To do that first we will add shadow to the picture by creating a new layer above the background. After creating a layer, fill it with black color and change the blending mode to soft light.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Creating shadow

I don’t want all the shadow around, especially under the iPhone. So, create a mask or remove it using the eraser.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Removing parts of the shadow

The next step is creating a sun. To do that, create a new above all the layers and fill it with black color. Then navigate to Filter, render and select lens flare. They apply settings in the screenshot.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Create a Lens Flare

After that right click on the layer and convert it to the smart object.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Convert to Smart to smart object

Then visit the Filter menu, Blur, Gaussian Blur. Put the amount of Blur 46 and place that above the sheep to look like a sun.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Amount of Gaussian Blur

Now, we need to bring changes to the light. Press Ctrl+ U to open Hue/saturation and apply the settings as the screenshot.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Adjusting Hue/Saturation

This time we are going to create a shadow just on the sheep. So, hold the Ctrl key and click on the mask of the sheep to enable the selection. Then create a new layer, after that with black and white Gradient draw just like the screenshot.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Drawing Gradient

After applying Gradient to the sheep, change the blending mode to Multiply. Also, decrease the opacity to 54%.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Adjusting the Opacity

Once again hold the Ctrl button and click on the sheep layer to enable the selection. Again paint it with black color but transform it to vertical under to the sheep to look like the shadow from the sun.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Creating Cast Shadow

Go ahead decrease the opacity to 23%, and also remove some parts of shadow under the iPhone. Then visit the filter menu, blur, Gaussian Blur and change put the amount 6.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Created Cast shadow

Overall Color Correction

In this section, first, we have to make it dark using the curves on using form layer panel. (Make it slightly dark not too much).

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Adding Curve

This Time we need to apply color balance to the Picture. Apply the settings below as in the picture.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Highlight & Shadow settings of color balance

And the final adjustments are selective colors. Again  Apply the settings below as in the picture.

Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop
Settings of the Selective Colors


This was all about on How to Create Manipulation 3D with Photoshop CC 2018? I hope this Article was helpful to You. If you have any idea or suggestion Please comment on the article or visit the Forum.

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