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Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet: 50 Tips & Examples

In the world of data analysis and spreadsheet management, Excel is an indispensable tool that offers a wide range of functions. From statistical functions to financial functions, Excel provides a diverse set of tools to help users analyze and manipulate data. Whether you need to create a worksheet, perform complex calculations using cell references, or apply statistical formulas, Excel has got you covered. With its extensive library of functions, Excel makes it easy to perform various tasks efficiently and effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced user, mastering Excel formulas, including financial functions, mathematical functions, and logic functions, can greatly enhance your productivity and streamline your data analysis processes. Using these functions in your worksheets will make your work more efficient and accurate. That’s why having a comprehensive guide, like an Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet, can be a game-changer. It provides quick access to cell references and helps navigate financial functions, even when dealing with blank cells. Here’s a tip: keep this cheat sheet handy for easy reference. It provides quick access to cell references and helps navigate financial functions, even when dealing with blank cells. Here’s a tip: keep this cheat sheet handy for easy reference.

So whether you’re formatting columns, analyzing trends, or performing intricate calculations, this Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet will be your go-to resource for simplifying tasks and boosting efficiency. It helps you calculate using the ctrl key, provides a list of formulas, and allows you to enter data easily. It helps you calculate using the ctrl key, provides a list of formulas, and allows you to enter data easily. With just a few clicks and keystrokes, you’ll be able to harness the full potential of Excel’s formula capabilities. By using the ctrl + enter shortcut, Excel calculates the text formulas instantly.

Basic Math Functions: SUM, AVERAGE, COUNT

Easily calculate the sum of a range of numbers using the SUM function

The SUM function in Excel is a powerful mathematical tool that allows for quick and effortless calculation of the total sum of a range of numbers. It is perfect for calculating expenses, sales figures, or any other numerical data. To use the SUM function, you simply select the cells containing the numbers you want to add together and enter “=SUM(” followed by the cell range. For example, if you have a list of expenses in cells A1 to A5, you would enter “=SUM(A1:A5)” to calculate the sum. This function can also handle non-contiguous cells, allowing you to calculate the sum of values from different ranges by selecting each individual cell or range separated by commas within the parentheses. The versatility of the SUM function makes it an excellent time-saving tool for data analysis, as it calculates the returns for you.

Determine the average value of a set of data with the AVERAGE function

Look no further than the AVERAGE function. This nifty tool calculates the mean value for a given range effortlessly and returns the result.

To calculate the average, use this statistical gem. Select the cells containing your data and type “=AVERAGE(” followed by your desired cell range. This formula calculates the average and returns the result. For example, if you want to calculate the average score for a group of students listed in cells B2 to B10, simply enter “=AVERAGE(B2:B10)” and it returns the average.

The AVERAGE function calculates the average of multiple ranges or individual cells and returns the result. It is not limited to just one range. Just separate each range or cell with commas within the parentheses when the program calculates and returns the desired results. For instance, “=AVERAGE(A1:A5,C1:C5,E1:E5)” will calculate the average for three different ranges and provide the returns.

This function is particularly handy when dealing with large sets of numerical data, such as financial records or scientific measurements, as it allows for efficient handling of returns. It saves you time and effort by automating the calculation process, allowing you to focus on analyzing the returns rather than crunching numbers.

Count the number of cells containing numerical values using the COUNT function

The COUNT function in Excel is a valuable tool for counting the number of cells that contain numerical values within a given range. Whether you need to count sales transactions, inventory items, or any other numeric data points, this function will come to your rescue by accurately calculating the returns.

To utilize the COUNT function for counting returns, select the range of cells you want to count and type “=COUNT(” followed by your desired cell range. For example, if you want to count the number of returns for orders listed in cells A1 to A1000, enter “=COUNT(A1:A1000)”.

Similar to other functions we’ve discussed earlier, you can also use multiple ranges or individual cells with the COUNT function. Just separate them with commas within the parentheses. For instance, “=COUNT(A1:A100,B2:B200,D4:D400)” will give you a total count from three different ranges.

The COUNT function is not limited to only counting numbers; it can also be used with logical expressions like “>10” or “<>0”. This allows for more advanced filtering and counting options based on specific criteria.

By employing these basic math functions – SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT – in Excel, you can perform calculations effortlessly and save valuable time. These functions are versatile tools that enable both beginners and advanced users to handle mathematical and statistical operations seamlessly within their spreadsheets.

So why waste time manually adding numbers or counting cells when Excel can do it for you? Embrace the power of these functions and unlock a world of efficiency in your data analysis journey.

Logical Functions: IF, AND, OR

Make Decisions Based on Specific Conditions Using the IF Function

The IF function is one of the most powerful tools in Excel. With this logical function, you can instruct Excel to perform certain actions or calculations depending on whether a condition is met or not.

To use the IF function, you need to provide it with three arguments: the logical test, the value_if_true, and the value_if_false. The logical test is where you specify the condition that needs to be evaluated. If the condition is true, Excel will execute the action specified in the value_if_true argument. On the other hand, if the condition is false, Excel will perform what’s stated in the value_if_false argument.

For example, let’s say we have a sales spreadsheet and we want to calculate a bonus for each salesperson based on their performance. We can use an IF formula like this:

=IF(Sales > 10000, "Bonus", "No Bonus")

In this case, if a salesperson’s total sales exceed $10,000 (the condition), Excel will display “Bonus” as the result; otherwise, it will show “No Bonus”. This way, you can easily determine who qualifies for a bonus without manually checking each individual’s sales figures.

Combine Multiple Conditions Using the AND Function

When working with complex data analysis tasks or decision-making processes that require multiple conditions to be met simultaneously, you can use the AND function in combination with other functions like IF.

The AND function allows you to evaluate several conditions at once and returns TRUE only if all conditions are met. By using this logic function effectively in your spreadsheets, you can streamline your workflow and automate processes that would otherwise require manual intervention.

Let’s consider an example where we want to check if both Sales and Profit meet certain criteria before granting a discount to customers. We can use the following formula:

=IF(AND(Sales > 10000, Profit < 5000), "Discount", "No Discount")

In this case, the IF function is nested within the AND function to check if both Sales are greater than $10,000 and Profit is less than $5,000. If both conditions are true, Excel will display “Discount”; otherwise, it will show “No Discount”. By combining multiple conditions using logical functions like AND, you can easily handle complex scenarios in your spreadsheets.

Evaluate Multiple Conditions and Return True If Any Are Met with the OR Function

Unlike the AND function that requires all conditions to be true, the OR function evaluates multiple conditions and returns TRUE if any of them are met. This logic function is particularly useful when you want to check for different possibilities or options.

For instance, let’s say we have a product inventory spreadsheet where we need to identify items that are either out of stock or have low stock levels. We can use an OR formula like this:

=IF(OR(Stock = 0, Stock < 10), "Order Required", "Sufficient Stock")

In this example, if the value in the Stock field is either zero or less than ten (the conditions specified in the OR function), Excel will display “Order Required” as the result; otherwise, it will show “Sufficient Stock”. By utilizing logical functions like OR, you can efficiently analyze your data and make informed decisions based on various criteria.

By mastering these logical functions – IF, AND, and OR – you can simplify complex logical statements in your spreadsheets and enhance your data analysis capabilities. These special group of functions provide powerful tools for working with conditional statements and enable you to automate processes based on specific conditions. So go ahead and leverage their uses to create dynamic formulas that display the desired outputs and make your Excel experience even more efficient.


VLOOKUP: Quickly search for specific values within a table

Looking up specific values within a table is a common task in Excel, and the VLOOKUP function is here to make that process quick and efficient. With VLOOKUP, you can easily retrieve data based on a lookup value and its corresponding column.

To use VLOOKUP effectively, you need to understand its syntax. The function takes four arguments: lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, and range_lookup. The lookup_value is the value you want to find in the first column of your table. The table_array represents the range of cells where your data is stored. The col_index_num specifies which column from the table_array should be returned as the result. Lastly, range_lookup determines whether an exact match or an approximate match should be used.

Let’s say you have a sales dataset with customer names in the first column and their corresponding sales figures in the second column. By using VLOOKUP, you can quickly find out how much each customer has sold by inputting their name as the lookup_value.

=VLOOKUP("Customer Name", A2:B1000, 2, FALSE)

This formula will search for “Customer Name” in column A (A2:A1000) and return the corresponding sales figure from column B (B2:B1000). By setting range_lookup to FALSE, we ensure that only exact matches are considered.

HLOOKUP: Retrieve information from different rows or columns

While VLOOKUP searches for values vertically within a table based on a key value, HLOOKUP does the same horizontally. It allows you to retrieve information from different rows or columns by specifying row_index_num instead of col_index_num.

Imagine you have a product catalog with product names listed horizontally across row 1 and their corresponding prices in row 2. You can use HLOOKUP to find the price of a specific product by inputting its name as the lookup_value.

=HLOOKUP("Product Name", A1:Z2, 2, FALSE)

In this example, HLOOKUP will search for “Product Name” in row 1 (A1:Z1) and return the corresponding price from row 2. By setting range_lookup to FALSE, we ensure that only exact matches are considered.

INDEX-MATCH combination: Find exact or approximate matches

The INDEX-MATCH combination is a powerful alternative to VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP when you need more flexibility in your lookups. It allows you to find both exact and approximate matches within a table.

The INDEX function returns the value at a specific intersection of a given row and column in a table. The MATCH function, on the other hand, searches for a specified value within a range and returns its relative position.

By combining these two functions, you can perform advanced lookups that VLOOKUP or HLOOKUP alone cannot achieve. For example, if you have a dataset with employee names in column A and their corresponding salaries in column B, you can use INDEX-MATCH to retrieve an employee’s salary based on their name.

=INDEX(B:B,MATCH("Employee Name",A:A,0))

This formula will search for “Employee Name” in column A (A:A) and return the corresponding salary from column B (B:B). The zero (0) as the last argument of MATCH ensures an exact match is performed.

The beauty of using INDEX-MATCH lies in its ability to handle data that is not sorted vertically or horizontally. It also allows you to perform approximate matches by changing the last argument of MATCH from 0 to 1 or -1. This feature comes in handy when dealing with datasets that have a range of values and you need to find the closest match.


The CONCATENATE function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to combine text strings effortlessly. Whether you need to merge names, addresses, or any other pieces of information, CONCATENATE will make your life easier. By using this function, you can avoid the hassle of manually typing out each element and instead let Excel do the work for you.

To use CONCATENATE, simply enter the formula “=CONCATENATE(text1, text2)” into a cell. Replace “text1” and “text2” with the specific strings you want to combine. For example, if you have first names in column A and last names in column B, you can create a full name by entering “=CONCATENATE(A1,” “,B1)” in another cell. The space between the double quotation marks ensures there is a space between the first and last name.

Next up are two functions that allow you to extract specific portions of text from a cell value: LEFT and RIGHT. These functions are particularly useful when dealing with large amounts of data or when you only need a portion of the information stored within a cell.

The LEFT function enables you to extract the leftmost characters from a cell value. For instance, if you have a list of phone numbers in column A but only need the area codes, you can use LEFT to achieve this. Simply enter “=LEFT(A1,3)” into another cell to extract the first three characters (the area code) from cell A1.

On the other hand, if you want to extract the rightmost characters from a cell value, use the RIGHT function. Let’s say you have email addresses listed in column B but only require the domain names without “@”. You can accomplish this by entering “=RIGHT(B1,(LEN(B1)-FIND(“@”,B1)))” into another cell. This formula calculates the length of the email address minus the position of the “@” symbol, giving you just the domain name.

With these text functions at your disposal, manipulating text data in Excel becomes a breeze. You can efficiently extract specific information, create customized reports, and generate labels effortlessly. Gone are the days of tediously copying and pasting individual words or manually deleting unnecessary characters.

To further enhance your text manipulation skills, consider learning about other useful functions such as MID, LEN, SUBSTITUTE, and TRIM. These additional tools will expand your capabilities and allow you to tackle even more complex tasks.

Date and Time Functions: TODAY, NOW, DATE

Get today’s date dynamically with TODAY

The TODAY function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to retrieve the current date dynamically. This function is particularly useful when you need to track the progress of tasks or calculate the number of days remaining until a deadline.

To use the TODAY function, simply enter “=TODAY()” into a cell. Excel will automatically update this cell with the current date every time you open or recalculate your spreadsheet. This eliminates the need for manual updates and ensures that your data is always up to date.

For example, let’s say you have a project with multiple tasks and deadlines. By using the TODAY function in combination with conditional formatting, you can easily highlight overdue tasks or track their progress based on the current date. This helps you stay organized and ensures that important deadlines are not missed.

Get current date and time with NOW

In addition to retrieving today’s date, Excel also provides a function called NOW that allows you to obtain both the current date and time. This can be particularly useful when you need to timestamp entries or calculate durations between two points in time.

Similar to the TODAY function, using NOW is as simple as entering “=NOW()” into a cell. Excel will display both the current date and time, which will update whenever changes are made to your spreadsheet.

Let’s say you’re keeping track of stock prices and want to record the exact time at which each price was recorded. By using the NOW function alongside other formulas such as VLOOKUP or INDEX-MATCH, you can create a dynamic table that automatically captures real-time data from external sources while recording timestamps for future reference.

Manipulate and format dates using DATE

The DATE function in Excel enables users to manipulate and format dates according to their specific requirements. This function allows you to create a date by specifying the year, month, and day as separate arguments.

To use the DATE function, enter “=DATE(year, month, day)” into a cell. Replace “year,” “month,” and “day” with the appropriate values or cell references. Excel will then return the desired date based on the provided inputs.

For example, let’s say you have a dataset that includes birthdates and you need to calculate each person’s age. By using the DATE function in combination with other functions such as TODAY or YEARFRAC, you can accurately determine the age of individuals based on their birthdates without manual calculations.

Perform calculations involving dates and times accurately

Excel offers an array of built-in functions that enable accurate calculations involving dates and times. These functions simplify complex operations such as determining the number of days between two dates or calculating future dates based on specific criteria.

For instance, if you need to calculate the number of days between two dates, you can utilize the DATEDIF function. This function allows you to specify whether you want to count complete years (“Y”), months (“M”), or days (“D”) between two given dates.

Furthermore, Excel provides various functions like EDATE and EOMONTH, which allow for easy manipulation of dates by adding or subtracting months or finding the last day of a month respectively. These functionalities prove invaluable when dealing with financial projections or scheduling tasks.

Simplify date-related tasks in Excel

By leveraging Excel’s extensive range of date and time functions, users can simplify various date-related tasks within their spreadsheets. Whether it’s tracking project deadlines, calculating durations between events, or formatting dates according to specific requirements – Excel has got you covered.

With features like dynamic updating through TODAY and NOW, efficient manipulation using DATE, precise calculations with specialized functions like DATEDIF, and simplified task management through various date-related operations, Excel empowers users to handle complex date-related tasks effortlessly.

Advanced Math Functions: ABS, ROUND, SQRT

Get the absolute value of a number using ABS

The ABS function in Excel is a powerful tool that allows you to obtain the absolute value of a number. It disregards whether the original value is positive or negative and returns only the magnitude. This can be particularly useful when dealing with financial data or any situation where you need to ignore the sign of a number.

To use the ABS function, simply enter “=ABS()” into a cell and provide the reference to the desired cell containing the number you want to find the absolute value of. For example, if you have a negative value in cell A1 and want to get its absolute value, you would write “=ABS(A1)”.

By utilizing this function, you can easily manipulate data without worrying about negative values affecting your calculations. Whether it’s analyzing profit margins or determining variances in stock prices, ABS helps ensure accuracy by focusing solely on numerical magnitudes.

Round numbers to a specified decimal place with ROUND

When working with numbers in Excel, precision is key. The ROUND function allows you to round numbers up or down based on your desired level of accuracy. By specifying the number of decimal places, you can control how finely your data is rounded.

To use ROUND effectively, enter “=ROUND()” into a cell and provide two arguments: the reference to the original range or cell containing the number you want to round and another argument indicating how many decimal places should be included in the result. For instance, if you have a value in cell A1 that needs rounding to two decimal places, you would write “=ROUND(A1, 2)”.

This function is invaluable for financial modeling tasks such as calculating interest rates or projecting revenue figures. It ensures that your calculations are aligned with industry standards and regulatory requirements while maintaining an appropriate level of precision.

Calculate square roots using SQRT

Excel’s SQRT function allows you to calculate the square root of a number with ease. Whether you’re working on advanced mathematical problems or simply need to find the square root of a value, this function can save you time and effort.

To use SQRT, enter “=SQRT()” into a cell and provide the reference to the original range or cell containing the number for which you want to calculate the square root. For example, if you have a value in cell A1 and want to determine its square root, you would write “=SQRT(A1)”.

This function is particularly useful in fields such as engineering, physics, and statistics where complex calculations involving square roots are common. By leveraging Excel’s SQRT function, you can streamline your workflow and focus on analyzing data rather than performing manual calculations.

Perform advanced mathematical operations with ease

With Excel’s advanced math functions like ABS, ROUND, and SQRT at your disposal, performing complex mathematical operations becomes significantly easier. These functions empower users to manipulate numerical data accurately while saving time that would otherwise be spent on manual calculations.

Whether you’re an accountant dealing with financial statements or a scientist analyzing experimental results, these tools enable precise computations without requiring extensive knowledge of complex formulas. By understanding how to utilize ABS for obtaining absolute values, ROUND for rounding numbers efficiently, and SQRT for calculating square roots effortlessly, you can enhance your productivity and accuracy in various professional domains.

Excel’s built-in functions not only simplify mathematical tasks but also contribute to error reduction by automating processes that may lead to human mistakes. By harnessing the power of these functions effectively within your spreadsheets, you can optimize your workflow and ensure reliable results.

Improve accuracy and precision in your calculations

Accuracy is crucial. The ABS, ROUND, and SQRT functions play a vital role in improving accuracy by eliminating errors caused by incorrect sign considerations or excessive decimal places.

By using ABS intelligently, you can ensure that your calculations are based on the magnitude of values, disregarding any negative signs.

Mastering the Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet

Congratulations on completing the sections of our Excel Formulas Cheat Sheet! By now, you have gained a solid understanding of various formulas that can greatly enhance your productivity in Excel. From basic math functions like SUM and AVERAGE to more advanced ones like INDEX-MATCH, you are equipped with a versatile set of tools to tackle any data manipulation or analysis task.

To further excel in your Excel skills, we encourage you to practice applying these formulas in real-world scenarios. The more familiar you become with their usage and versatility, the more efficient and effective you’ll be when working with spreadsheets. So go ahead and dive into some hands-on practice, explore different formula combinations, and discover how they can simplify complex calculations or automate repetitive tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I use these formulas in Google Sheets as well?

Yes, most of the formulas covered in our cheat sheet are supported by Google Sheets as well. While there might be slight differences in syntax or function names between Excel and Google Sheets, the core functionalities remain consistent.

How can I remember all these formulas?

Remembering every single formula is not necessary; even experienced users refer to cheat sheets or online resources from time to time. However, by practicing regularly and using them in your work, you’ll gradually become more comfortable with their application.

Are there any shortcuts for using formulas?

Yes! Learning keyboard shortcuts can significantly speed up your workflow while working with formulas in Excel. For example, pressing F4 after selecting a cell reference will toggle between absolute and relative references.

Can I create my own custom functions?

Absolutely! In addition to the built-in functions provided by Excel, you can create your own custom functions using VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). This allows you to build personalized logic tailored specifically to your needs.

Where can I find more advanced Excel resources?

To further expand your Excel skills, consider exploring online tutorials, forums, or even enrolling in specialized courses. There are numerous resources available that cover advanced topics such as data analysis, macros, and automation.

How can I troubleshoot formula errors?

If you encounter formula errors in Excel, there are a few common troubleshooting steps you can take. These include checking for correct syntax, verifying cell references, and ensuring the appropriate data types are used. Utilizing the built-in error-checking tools provided by Excel can help identify and resolve formula issues quickly.

Remember to keep practicing and experimenting with these formulas to become a true Excel master!

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