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Merge Two WordPress Websites: Step-by-Step Guide

Are you managing multiple WordPress websites and finding it time-consuming and inefficient to handle blogs, search engines, admin, and ftp? If you have multiple websites or blogs on WordPress, merging them into a new website can be a game-changer for you. This blog article will guide you through the step-by-step process of merging two WordPress websites. With the help of the admin panel, you can easily edit and click to streamline your website management and save valuable time.

By consolidating multiple wordpress websites into one wordpress multisite, you can reap many advantages. This is especially beneficial when migrating from an old website to a new website. Firstly, using WordPress Multisite allows you to centralize your content, ensuring a cohesive user experience across multiple websites and WordPress blogs. It simplifies administration by providing a single admin interface for managing all your sites. With WordPress Multisite, you can effortlessly manage multiple websites and WordPress blogs. Say goodbye to duplicating efforts in creating and updating content for each individual WordPress website. Secondly, merging WordPress Multisite blogs simplifies administrative tasks such as updates and backups, making it easier to maintain your online presence. It allows you to replace separate websites with a single platform, reducing the need for multiple logins and streamlining management. Additionally, it enables you to organize your content more efficiently by using categories to categorize your posts.

In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of merging multiple websites using WordPress Multisite. We will cover everything from planning and preparation to seamlessly executing the merge. Stay tuned for practical examples, detailed information on settings adjustments, and guidance on handling media files during the merger on our new blog. We will provide you with valuable insights on managing your wordpress website and utilizing wordpress multisite effectively.

Understanding the Merge Process

Benefits of Merging WordPress Sites

Merging two WordPress websites can bring several benefits. Firstly, using WordPress Multisite allows you to consolidate content and backlinks from multiple blogs on your old WordPress site, which can significantly improve your SEO rankings for your original site. By combining the strengths of both blog and dog sites, you create a more authoritative and comprehensive online presence in the dog category.

Merging websites improves the user experience on a blog by creating a unified design and navigation for different categories such as dog-related content. This enhances the overall functionality and organization of the site, making it easier for users to find and file the information they are looking for. Visitors to the blog will no longer need to navigate between multiple sites in different categories with different layouts and structures. This will make it easier for visitors to find the information they need about dogs, as all relevant content will be filed under the appropriate category. This streamlined approach improves usability and helps retain users on your blog for longer periods in the dog category. Additionally, it makes it easier to file information on your website.

Furthermore, managing one blog website instead of multiple websites in different categories, such as dog blogs, simplifies maintenance and updates. This is especially true when it comes to updating content related to dog toys. With a single blog site in the dog category to focus on, you can dedicate more time and resources to optimizing its performance, security, functionality, and toys. This consolidation reduces the complexity associated with maintaining multiple blog sites in the dog toys category simultaneously.

Pre-requisites for a Smooth Merge

Before embarking on the merge process for a blog post in the dog toys category, there are a few pre-requisites that need to be addressed. First and foremost, ensure that both websites in your blog’s dog category are running on the latest version of WordPress. This ensures compatibility between plugins, themes, and other elements during the merge of an old WordPress site. The merge includes the blog, category, and pets site.

To avoid any potential loss of data or content during the merge process on the blog, it is crucial to backup all information from both dog and toys categories thoroughly. Taking this precautionary step on your blog or WordPress site, specifically on a category page of your pets site, provides an extra layer of security in case anything goes wrong during the merging process.

Before proceeding with the merge, make sure to familiarize yourself with the structure and content of both dog websites in the category. Understanding how each dog site is organized will help you plan out an effective merging strategy while preserving essential elements from each dog site.

Roadmap to a Hassle-Free Merge

To ensure a smooth merging process for your WordPress site, it’s essential to follow a step-by-step plan that incorporates best practices for dog owners.

  1. Start by creating a checklist or timeline outlining each task involved in merging your dog-related content onto your WordPress site. This helps keep your WordPress site organized and ensures that no crucial steps for your WordPress site are missed along the way.
  2. Communicate effectively with all stakeholders involved in the merge. This includes website owners, developers, designers, and content creators. Clear communication helps avoid confusion and ensures everyone on the wordpress site is on the same page throughout the merging process.
  3. Begin by migrating all content from one website to another. This includes pages, posts, images, and other media files. Ensure that all URLs on your WordPress site are redirected correctly to maintain SEO rankings and prevent broken links.
  4. Consolidate the design elements of both websites into a unified theme or template. This step involves harmonizing color schemes, typography, layouts, and other visual elements to create a cohesive brand identity for your WordPress site.
  5. Test the merged website thoroughly before making it live. Check for any broken links, missing images or content formatting issues that may have occurred during the merging process on your WordPress site.

Preparing for the Merge

Backup and Data Export from Primary Site

To ensure a smooth merge of two WordPress websites, it is crucial to start by creating reliable backups of your primary site’s data. This can be done using trusted backup plugins or services for your WordPress site that will capture all the necessary files and database information. It is recommended to perform a full backup, including media uploads, themes, plugins, and any other customizations you have made.

Once the backup is complete, export these important files and store them securely. This step allows you to have a restore point in case any issues arise during the merge process. By having a backup readily available, you can easily revert any changes if needed.

Exporting Content from Secondary Site

In addition to backing up your primary site, it is essential to export content from the secondary site that you want to merge. WordPress provides built-in export tools or plugins that facilitate this process. Utilize these tools to export posts, pages, categories, tags, and any other relevant content from the secondary site.

Make sure to save the exported files in an easily accessible location for later importation into the primary site. Verify that all necessary content has been successfully exported before proceeding with the merge. Double-checking ensures that no valuable data is left behind during this crucial step.

By exporting content from both sites separately, you are effectively gathering all the essential elements required for merging them seamlessly. The exported files will serve as a foundation for transferring content from one site to another without losing any vital information.

Remember to maintain organization throughout this process by storing backups securely and keeping track of exported files. This meticulous approach will help prevent confusion and ensure a successful merge between your two WordPress websites.

Executing the Merge

Importing Data to Primary Website

To merge two WordPress websites, the first step is to import the data from the secondary site into the primary site. This can be done using WordPress import tools or plugins specifically designed for this purpose. It is crucial to ensure that all imported content is correctly mapped and assigned within the structure of the primary site.

During the import process, conflicts between existing content on the primary site and imported data may arise. These conflicts need to be addressed carefully to avoid any loss or duplication of content. By properly handling these conflicts, you can ensure a seamless integration of both websites’ data.

Assigning Imported Content to Users

After importing the data, it is essential to assign the imported content to users in a systematic manner. There are two approaches for this: creating users manually or managing new users post-merge.

Creating Users Manually

For users who were registered on the secondary website, it is necessary to create user accounts manually on the primary site. This involves recreating their profiles with accurate information and ensuring that user roles and permissions are appropriately assigned.

Once user accounts have been created, it is important to notify users about their new account credentials and any changes in login details. Clear communication will help them understand how they can access their accounts on the merged website.

Managing New Users Post-Merge

In addition to manually creating user accounts, it is crucial to update user profiles with accurate information after completing the merge process. This includes verifying contact details, preferences, and any other relevant information associated with each user account.

Communication plays a vital role in managing new users post-merge. Informing users about any changes or updates regarding their accounts will help them navigate through any modifications seamlessly. Providing support and assistance to users who may encounter issues post-merge ensures a positive experience for everyone involved.

By following these steps meticulously during the execution phase of merging two WordPress websites, you can successfully integrate the data and user accounts from both sites. This will result in a unified website that retains all the essential content and provides a seamless experience for users.

Maintaining SEO Rankings

Setting up Proper Redirects

Implementing 301 redirects is crucial when merging two WordPress websites to maintain SEO rankings. These redirects ensure that visitors and search engine crawlers are seamlessly redirected from old URLs to their corresponding new ones on the merged site. By setting up proper redirects, you can prevent broken links and retain the value of your existing SEO efforts.

To set up these redirects, you need to redirect traffic from the secondary site’s pages/posts to their respective pages/posts on the primary site. This ensures that users who may have bookmarked or shared specific content will still be able to access it after the merge. Regularly monitoring and testing these redirects is essential to verify that they are functioning correctly and that all pages are properly redirected without any errors.

Updating internal links is another vital step in maintaining SEO rankings during a website merge. It involves finding and updating all internal links within your content so that they point to the correct URLs on the merged site. Broken links should be fixed or appropriately redirected if necessary.

After updating internal links, conducting thorough testing is crucial to ensure that all links are working as intended. This includes checking for any broken or incorrect links that may have been missed during the update process. By ensuring that all internal links are updated and functional, you can provide a seamless user experience while preserving your website’s SEO integrity.

SEO Checklist Post-Merge

Once the merge is complete, it’s essential to conduct a comprehensive SEO audit of the newly merged website using relevant tools or plugins. This audit will help identify any potential issues or areas for improvement in terms of search engine visibility.

Optimizing meta tags, headings, keywords, and other on-page elements is an integral part of post-merge SEO optimization. By ensuring these elements align with your target keywords and provide valuable information to search engines, you can improve your website’s chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Evaluating backlinks and implementing strategies for redirecting or updating them as needed is crucial. Backlinks play a significant role in SEO rankings, and it’s important to ensure that they are redirected correctly to the appropriate pages on the merged site. This will help preserve the link equity and authority that your website has gained over time.

Multisite Merging Considerations

Combining WordPress Sites into Multisite

To merge multiple WordPress sites under one installation, it is crucial to understand the concept of WordPress Multisite. This feature allows you to manage multiple sites from a single dashboard, providing convenience and efficiency. Before initiating the merge process, carefully consider whether Multisite is suitable for your specific needs based on its features and limitations.

Defining Primary Domain for Multisite

When setting up a Multisite network, determining the primary domain is essential. This domain will serve as the main site within your network. Properly configuring DNS settings and server configurations ensures seamless domain mapping in the Multisite setup. Establishing clear guidelines for managing subdomains or subdirectories within the network helps maintain organization and structure.

Importing to Multisite Instance

To successfully merge individual sites into a Multisite instance, utilize WordPress import tools or plugins specifically designed for Multisite environments. These tools streamline the process by allowing you to import content from each site effortlessly. It is important to ensure that imported data is correctly assigned to their respective subsites within the Multisite network. Performing thorough checks and verifications guarantees that imported content functions properly across all subsites.

By following these steps and considerations, you can effectively merge two WordPress websites using the power of WordPress Multisite. Remember that understanding how Multisite works and evaluating its suitability for your needs are key factors in making an informed decision.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Handling Incorrect Merges

If any errors or issues arise during the merge process, it is crucial to take immediate action. The first step is to restore backups and carefully retrace the steps taken during the merging of the two WordPress websites. By identifying and rectifying any incorrect merges, you can ensure that the final merged website is accurate and error-free.

In addition to rectifying the issue, it is essential to communicate with stakeholders and users who may have been affected by the incorrect merges. Provide them with necessary support and address any concerns they may have. Clear communication will help mitigate any potential negative impact on user experience and ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved.

Tips to Avoid Merge Messes

To avoid running into issues during the merge process, it is important to follow best practices for website merging. Thorough planning and testing are key factors in ensuring a successful merge without any messes along the way. Take time to analyze both websites thoroughly before initiating the merge, making sure all elements are compatible.

Maintaining clear communication channels with all parties involved in the merge process is another essential aspect. Regularly update stakeholders about progress, address any questions or concerns promptly, and keep everyone informed throughout each stage of the merge.

Throughout the entire merge process, it is highly recommended to regularly backup data as a precautionary measure. This ensures that even if something goes wrong during merging, you can easily revert back to a previous version without losing valuable data or jeopardizing website functionality.

Sorting Posts by Users After Merge

After successfully merging multiple WordPress sites, one common challenge that arises is sorting posts based on user ownership. To effectively categorize posts according to their respective owners, consider implementing filters or search functionalities within your merged website’s interface.

By providing options for users to access and manage their own posts effectively, you enhance their overall experience on your newly merged site. This can be achieved through user-friendly interfaces that allow users to easily navigate and locate their posts based on their ownership.

Post-Merge Optimization

After successfully merging two WordPress websites, it is crucial to optimize the newly combined site for maximum efficiency and user experience. This section will delve into post-merge optimization strategies to ensure a smooth transition and enhance the overall performance of the merged site.

Utilizing Bulk Editor Tools

To streamline the editing process across multiple posts and pages, take advantage of bulk editor tools or plugins. These tools allow you to make changes efficiently, saving valuable time and effort. With bulk editor functionalities, you can update common attributes such as categories, tags, featured images, and more in one go.

By utilizing these tools effectively, you can avoid repetitive manual editing tasks and expedite the optimization process. Instead of individually modifying each post or page, bulk editing enables you to make consistent changes across multiple elements simultaneously.

Finishing Up Editing Tasks

Once the initial edits have been made after merging two WordPress sites, it is essential to thoroughly review all content for consistency and formatting issues. Carefully examine each page and post to ensure that everything aligns seamlessly with your desired outcome.

Check for broken links that may have occurred during the merge process. Rectify any broken links promptly to prevent a negative impact on user experience.

It is also advisable to seek feedback from stakeholders or users post-merge. Their insights can provide valuable input on any necessary adjustments or improvements that need to be made.

Before proceeding further with your merged site, conduct a final round of testing on all aspects. Test functionality across different devices and browsers to guarantee optimal performance. Ensure that all links are working correctly and that there are no compatibility issues with various plugins or themes used in the merge.

Thinking Through Your Strategy

Before embarking on merging two WordPress websites, it is crucial to evaluate your overall strategy carefully. Take time to determine your goals and objectives for the merged site. Whether it’s improving user experience or increasing traffic, having a clear understanding of your objectives will guide your actions throughout the merge process.

Consider potential challenges that may arise during the merge and devise strategies to overcome them. By thinking through your strategy beforehand, you can anticipate any hurdles and proactively address them, ensuring a smoother transition.

Moving Forward with Merged Sites

After successfully merging two WordPress websites, there are several important steps to take in order to ensure a smooth transition and optimize the newly merged site. This section will discuss the necessary actions to take for exporting and importing data, creating a checklist for launching the merged site, and exploring profitable web development opportunities post-merge.

Exporting and Importing for Success

To begin, it is crucial to follow proper procedures when exporting and importing data from the original sites to the new site. This includes double-checking file formats, compatibility, and any specific requirements for export/import plugins or tools used. By adhering to these guidelines, you can avoid potential issues that may arise during the merge process.

It is highly recommended to maintain backups of all exported files. This precautionary measure ensures that if any unforeseen issues occur during re-importation or if changes need to be made after the merge, you have a reliable backup on hand. By having these backups readily available, you can minimize downtime and swiftly resolve any complications that may arise.

Checklist for Launching Merged Site

Before officially launching the merged site, it is essential to create a comprehensive checklist covering all aspects of the website. This checklist should include tasks such as conducting a final content review, optimizing SEO elements, testing forms and functionalities, ensuring responsive design across various devices, among other critical factors.

By meticulously going through each item on the checklist and ticking them off one by one, you can ensure that no aspect of your website has been overlooked. This systematic approach helps guarantee a seamless launch without any significant hiccups or errors that could potentially impact user experience or search engine rankings.

Profitable Web Development Post-Merge

Once your merged site is up and running smoothly, it’s time to explore opportunities for monetization and further enhance its performance. Consider implementing advertising strategies that align with your target audience’s interests or exploring affiliate marketing programs that can generate additional revenue streams.

Furthermore, take the opportunity to optimize your website’s performance and conversion rates. This may involve conducting A/B tests, refining your call-to-action buttons, improving page load speeds, or enhancing user experience through intuitive navigation and engaging content.

To make informed decisions about future improvements, regularly evaluate analytics data to identify areas for growth and capitalize on profitable web development strategies. By analyzing user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates, you can gain valuable insights that inform your decision-making process and drive continuous improvement.


In conclusion, merging two WordPress websites can be a complex process, but with careful planning and execution, it is possible to combine multiple sites into one cohesive platform. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, website owners can successfully merge their WordPress sites while minimizing the risk of losing SEO rankings and encountering common issues.

Moving forward, it is crucial to regularly monitor and optimize the merged site to ensure its continued success. This includes maintaining SEO best practices, regularly updating plugins and themes, and monitoring site performance. Website owners should consider implementing a backup strategy to protect their data in case any issues arise.

By following these guidelines and taking a detail-oriented approach, website owners can successfully merge their WordPress sites and create a more streamlined and efficient online presence. It is important to remember that each merger is unique, so adapting these steps to fit specific needs may be necessary. With careful planning and attention to detail, the process of merging two WordPress websites can be a smooth and rewarding experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I merge two WordPress websites step by step?

If you want to merge two WordPress websites, here’s a simple process to follow. First, make sure you have access to both websites and their respective blogs. Next, find a suitable plugin or tool that will help you with the merger process. Once you have installed the plugin, use it to link the two websites together. Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the merger.

To merge two WordPress websites, follow these steps:

  1. Backup both websites to ensure no data is lost.
  2. Export the content from the source website using a plugin like All-in-One WP Migration.
  3. Import the exported file into the target website using the same plugin.
  4. Update permalinks and internal links on the target website to match the new content.
  5. Test and troubleshoot any issues that may arise during the merging process.

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